Health and fitness for every-body
Welcoming, fun, friendly, body positive, group indoor exercise classes.

Our groups aim to be accessible for everyone - please contact Moira for more information: exercise@saintswithuns.org.uk. Classes are availble at different times throughout the day and evening. There are 2 instructors teaching different classes.
Moira, PT and Fitness Instructor is passionate about making health accessible to everyone.
Strength for Long Life is a program of accessible fitness groups and opportunities. If you would like to join one of my fitness classes please look at what is available on posters in and outside the church and book a class on https://bookwhen.com/strength4longlife
Nila, PT, Class Instructor with Pilates fitness and Dance Instructor, believes in empowering everyone to achieve their maximum fitness potential, for all ages and abilities.
Why is it important to care about our physical selves?
As Christians we are to love God, and each other as we love ourselves. We are to do this with our whole bodies – with our heart, soul, mind and strength. (Luke 10 27). This commandment demands that we love our whole-selves.
Healing is about becoming healthy. Being healthy is looking after ourselves including our physical health.
The story of the Good Samaritan shows us that physical health is important – the man who is beaten and needing help is looked after – we are to look after our neighbour as ourselves – this story is about love and is centred around physical health of the body - we are to do this not only for our neighbour but our neighbour as ourselves.
The Good Samaritan gives us a picture of total health… as a church, as Christians we can often become disconnected from our physical needs in an attempt to transcend this earth. However we are created in the image of God: so honouring and valuing our bodies and our physical health is important so that we can glorify God with all of us. If our bodies are not looked after we are less ready and able to do God’s mission.
As we share God’s love we do this in our bodies. Our bodies are precious – they are described as being a temple of the Holy Spirit within us (1 Corinthians 6:19) – we need to look after the house of God.
Strength for Long Life is about loving ourselves, others and God with our bodies – with our whole selves. It is about being a church who values healing – because healing is not magic – healing is about actively bringing about a healthy state of being and living a long, healthy life.
As an inclusive church – healing and actively being healthy is for all of us.
From the NHS website… Step right up! It's the miracle cure we've all been waiting for.
It can reduce your risk of major illnesses, such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and cancer by up to 50% and lower your risk of early death by up to 30%.
It's free, easy to take, has an immediate effect and you don't need a GP to get some. Its name? Exercise.
Whilst it is free – we can all go for a walk if we want to – with such impressive credentials as a miracle cure – why then are so many people avoiding this wonder drug?
The simple answer is that there are many barriers and difficulties for many people -
Although a walk is free – the gym is costly – so money / resources is a barrier for many – fitness clothing / healthy foods are more expensive etc
Fear of the health environment – if you have never been to a gym – you might feel daunted by it – same as going to church for the first time!
Dislike of discomfort – we naturally want to take the easiest route – activity and movement can be hard work and fast food is a constant temptation
Lack of support – if we don’t have companions or a sense of belonging it can be hard to start
Lack of education – we simply don’t always know how to get started.
Inactivity over time makes it harder to get started and so there is a need for low impact and achievable classes for those who are unconditioned.
Strength4longlife – is supporting health and healing for all and making the miracle happen. Come and exercise in an inclusive environment.
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